Jesus: The True Vine
July 4, 2021 Speaker: Darren McCormick Series: John: The Gospel Of Belief
Topic: The Gospel Of John Scripture: John 15:1–11
Jesus used common things that people understood to teach spiritual truths.
The disciples probably wondered how to abide in Jesus while knowing Jesus was leaving.
The grapevine was a national symbol of Israel.
---Psalm 80:8-11
------Jesus stated He is the true vine.
Only the people who are connected to Jesus & have the life of Jesus producing spiritual fruit in their lives are the true people of promise.
---God promised a kingdom that would never end.
------The Jews interpreted this incorrectly.
---------They thought it would be physical, not spiritual.
---------Physical bloodline will not get you into Heaven.
1. Get connected to Jesus.
---There is no other way.
2. Understand & rejoice that our lives have meaning & purpose.
---We are here by God's design.
3. Our spiritual growth is a lifelong process.
---Our fruit should grow more fruit.
4. We need to trust God in painful moments.
---The pruning process isn't always pleasant.
------This process leads to being more productive.
5. We should praise God for any of our spiritual victories.
More in John: The Gospel Of Belief
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