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Sow, Sow, Sow The Seed

July 31, 2022 Speaker: Darren McCormick

Topic: Parables Of Jesus Scripture: Luke 8:1–15

We shouldn't get weary when we don't see the results we hope for from our attempts.

Luke 8:1-15 - The parable of the sower.

Jesus knows what it is like to not get the results from the people.
---Yet, He knew that some people WOULD get the message.
------We should still strive to sow the seed.

We don't always know how attempts will take root.
---We could plant the seed but it could be up to someone else to water it.
------People's heart conditions can change over time.
---------Don't ever give up on people.

Don't focus every bit of your energy & attempts on those who don't desire Jesus.
---We can't win anyone over...That is the work of the Holy Spirit.
------Don't drive yourself crazy constantly asking someone to come to church.
---------There are times the Spirit just wants us to move on to other opportunities.

We need to carefully consider how we listen.