Discipleship is the main drive for this Student Ministry
The summer break's ending and Fall's activities are about to begin with YACs on the 1st Sunday of each month and C3YG on the third Sunday of each month!
“YAC” stands for “Youth After Church” and on the first Sunday of the month the Junior and Senior High Youth will be doing something together at noon. Sometimes we'll announce in advance what we’ll be doing and…well, sometimes we'll keep it a surprise! Noon to 2 p.m. is the “normal” time frame.
“C3YG” stands for “Central Christian Church Youth Group” and on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 3 p.m. we’ll hang out and have some serious fun---and a Jesus-style story time (that’s another way of saying we’ll take a little time to check out one or more of the stories Jesus told). 3 to 5 is the "normal" time frame.
Our main focus is based on relationships & having fun together. Through these relationships, we are able to see how God truly created us & what our goals as human beings should be since we are created in His image.
Sunday Afternoons are for naps, right?
Not here! Jr High & High school students are welcome to join us as we show the true excitement of Christianity. Discipleship is the main focus of what we do, yet there are many methods that can draw someone into a loving relationship with Jesus.
From Nerf wars to praising Jesus, Kinect video games to deep discipleship, & water balloons to Bible-based lessons, you will find a wide variety of things to encounter here at Central's very own teen-focused ministry.
Here are some pictures showing past games, trips, hangouts, etc: