Join us for Sunday Morning Small Groups - 9:15AM ~ Worship - 10:30AM

Lock-In '22-'23

Lock-In image

December 30, 2022 to December 31, 2022

All Day

Location: 1420 Illini Drive, OFallon, IL 62269

Category: Youth Group

The lock-in will begin at 7pm on December 30th & go to 9am on December 31st, 2022. The goal is to stay awake most of the night.

There is a waiver that each parent/guardian needs to fill out in case of an emergency (click here).

Instructions for parents/guardians:

Thank you for letting your child participate in an overnight exciting experience. This information sheet is just to let you know what to expect out of this event. Please rest assured that everything we do is aimed at your child’s safety. However, accidents might occur & that is why we ask that you fill out the waiver so we may contact you if such an occasion arises.

Here is a list of things that will most likely be occurring for this event: Games will be played & some could be messy. We suggest bringing an extra pair of clothes just in case. Some games will be in low-light settings. We will have some food for supper & could have a small breakfast. Snacks are encouraged to bring if you want to allow that, however, we will not allow any type of energy drink to be consumed. We will have movies available to view all of which are family rated. Karaoke will more than likely occur yet songs are screened before songs are performed. If anyone wants to sleep, there will be designated areas for everyone. There will not be any sharing of blankets or sleeping right next to another. Everyone will have their own space. We might play some board games & cards (no gambling though). It is possible that there will be a time for worship & a short message. Some rooms in the church will be clearly blocked off from use. We will have adult supervision throughout the entire church as best as possible along with security cameras in case of emergencies. No one will be allowed to leave the building once inside during the hours of the event.

Cell phones can be used but will more than likely be placed to the side with their belongings. All phone calls out must only be for emergency purposes & will all be approved by the leaders. Texting can occur at any time yet we will encourage everyone to leave their phone with their belongings so that the phones will not get damaged or lost. If anyone wants to have us put their phone in a safe place we can do that. If you need to contact your child please call the church (618) 632-6361 or me (Josh) at (865) 293-9471. If you attempt to call your child & they do not answer right away it is more than likely that their phone is put away. If their phone is a constant disturbance we will take their phone until the event is over, however, this is very rare.

Electronic devices can be used yet the church is not responsible if they get damaged or lost. We actually encourage just leaving those devices at home because the event will be so fun-filled that there probably won’t be much time to even turn on the devices. Only phones can be stored in a safe place, not any other devices.

Medicines can ONLY be brought if it is prescription medicine & has to be taken at a certain time or if it is emergency medicine. Regular headache or pain medicine is not allowed. If your child is having some problems & wants to take medicine then we will contact you about it & you may approve us to give medicine or you may bring something by. All medicine will be kept locked up & will only be obtained by someone on staff.

We encourage you to have your child bring a sleeping bag or blanket & a pillow. We do not have those items available for use. Sleeping quarters will be assigned in different areas of the church & genders will be separated.

Although rare, your child may be sent home if they break major rules clearly laid out. In such a case you will have to pick up your child. If something occurs with a friend brought by your child you could be responsible for that child also. These are some of the events that would result in you having to pick up your child: caught with drugs &/or alcohol, caught with any type of weapon, caught being “romantic” with someone during the event, bullying &/or being violent to anyone, sneaking out of the building, & defacing/destroying any property that does not belong to them. All leaders will be keeping an eye out for these types of things & the Youth Leader will be notified immediately, followed by contacting you. 

We want your child to have a very fun & exciting time during this lock-in. We also expect your child to grow spiritually & relationally. If you do not attend the church regularly & would like to take a tour of it, then that can happen at any time. Drop off time is 7pm December 30th. Pick-up time is no later than 9 am on December 31st.


Central Christian Church Lock-In for Students:

Ladies & gentlemen…..we want you to have a blast at this lock-in. In order to do that we need to give you some guidance. So let’s get started with it all….. There are 3 major rules to making this lock-in be amazing: Respect yourself, Respect everyone else around you, Respect your surroundings. That's it but we can break it down a little more specifically: Don’t even think about bringing any drugs, alcohol, or weapons of any kind. You also cannot go around bullying &/or abusing people in any form, especially physically. Do not attempt to break, destroy, or mess up anything that doesn’t belong to you. Please don't plan on trying to be more than flirty with others. You aren't here to develop your romantic relationships. None of this behavior will be allowed. In fact, if caught, you WILL be sent home. This leads to our next topic…..Your parents want to have a good night’s sleep. Let’s all behave properly so Josh doesn’t have to call them. Now that all that is out of the way, let’s get to the good stuff……

Items to bring: Sleeping bag or blankets & a pillow /// Pajamas (Girls… modest) (Guys…...same thing) /// Medicine (Prescription only) (see the parents info sheet) /// A backpack/satchel/walmart bag to keep your stuff in /// Something to take pictures with (make some memories) /// Clothes to run around in & possibly get messy /// Deodorant (boys especially)

Optional: An extra set of clothes /// Snacks /// Friends /// Board games &/or cards /// Toothbrush & toothpaste (brush up before falling asleep)

What we possibly will be doing:
Playing awesome games /// Singing Karaoke /// Maybe making s’mores /// Praising God /// Eating /// Playing SANDMAN /// Scaring each other in the dark /// Watching a movie /// Playing Mafia /// Learning how to make friends /// Staying up late /// Cleaning up before we leave /// Fighting sleep /// Thinking deep thoughts /// Keeping away from Pumpkin Man

Things you should really need to know: Cell phones are allowed, yet all calls must be approved by a leader. Phones can be locked up if you would like for them to be. Phones can be taken away if they become a constant distraction. Also, since we are going to be doing a lot of stuff that involves a lot of physical activity, I would suggest that you just keep your phone in a safe place & not on you. Please don’t bring any other electronic devices. We are not going to guard them for you. If something gets lost, stolen, or broken, we (the church) are not responsible for it.

When we play our night games you are not allowed to have phones or devices that light up. No exceptions!!!!!

Some rooms will be locked or off limits…...NO, you can’t go in them. Certain rooms will be dedicated for sleeping rooms only…...meaning you will only be in them if you want to sleep.

All of the leaders are to be treated with respect. If you choose not to do that then you will not have much fun. As a reminder, respect yourself, those around you, & your surroundings. Josh can have the final say on any decisions you might feel needs to be discussed, yet keep in mind the leaders are looking out for your best interests & safety. Also…….don’t try to prank the leaders. We work as a team & we will get you back……..& it will be worse.

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